Psychological Type and How It Benefits an Organization
© Copyright 2006 Pamela Hollister
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Psychological type is a theory of personality developed by Swiss psychiatrist Dr. Carl G. Jung to explain the normal differences between healthy people. Jung concluded that differences in behavior result from people�s inborn tendencies to use their minds in different ways. Jung�s type theory defines patterns of normal behavior, or types, and gives an explanation of how types develop.
The mother and daughter team of Myers & Briggs further developed Jung�s theory creating the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, a self-report questionnaire designed to make Jung�s theory of psychological types understandable and useful in everyday life. After more than 50 years of research and development, the MBTI® is the most widely used instrument with more than two million indicators administered annually in the United States.
The PEOPLE Process takes type theory a step further making it �useable�, simplifying the understanding and application of what often is a complicated process for people to work with. With all of the breadth and depth of the theory of Dr. Carl Jung and the MBTI®, The PEOPLE Process Wheel takes the theory of the four behavioral dimensions of how Energy is focused, how Information is gathered, how Decisions are made and how Action is taken and makes them easy to remember and use. Within each behavioral dimension, are two opposite poles � preferences � for which everyone has a natural preference (inborn strength) for one of the two opposites in each of the four behavioral dimensions.
As we use our preferences, we develop what the research defines as our psychological type: an underlying personality pattern resulting from the dynamic interaction of our four preferences, environmental influences and our own choices. People tend to develop behaviors, skills, and attitudes associated with their type, and those with types that differ from yours, will likely be opposite you in many ways. Each type represents a valuable and reasonable way to be. Each type has its own potential strengths, as well as its likely blind spots.
Psychological type has been applied as a tool for many years by a variety of users including those in:
- Small businesses and large multinational corporations
- Service industries and manufacturing concerns
- Consulting and training services
- Government at all levels
- Established firms and new entrepreneurial ventures
- Educational and health-care institutions
- Understand themselves and their behaviors
- Appreciate others so as to make constructive use of individual differences
- Approach problems in different yet healthy ways and thus be more productive
- Make the most of their human resources
- Leverage individuals� natural strengths
- Improve teamwork
- Understand and adapt to differences in leadership/management style
- Enhance effective communications between supervisors, peers, employees, and customers
- Assist in career development
- Resolve conflict
- Coach individuals
- Design training activities
- Recognize employees� unique contributions
- Develop skills in creativity, time management, and stress management
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a trademark or registered trademark of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.