Our first article this month gives
communication clues on how to recognize and
respond to an Extravert or an Introvert. Extravert
and Introvert are the two preferences in the first
dimension of personality type - How our
Energy is focused. A lot of confusion
can be eliminated by practicing this valuable
We are so grateful to Susan Scanlon of The TYPE
Reporter for allowing us to reprint the terrific articles
she has written. The article this month answers
some of those questions we've all had about "is it
right to type people?"
We're excited to announce that The PEOPLE Process
is being taught as part of the Practitioner Training at
the Law of Attraction Training Center - Module 2,
Class 3 & 4. You can find a link to the LOA website
in this issue under "Quick Links." I hope you enjoy
our issue this month.
We'd love to
hear your comments and/or requests.
Three Areas to Look, Listen & Respond to in Communication Style - Extravert & Introvert |
Comunication is central to our life - we communicate
with others every day, throughout the day.
Understanding, appreciating and accommodating
personality differences in communication style can
bring major success to our effectiveness as a friend,
spouse, employee, supervisor, trainer, leader and
team member. Becoming familiar with the
strengths, approach and how to respond
within each preference's preferred communication
style, can virtually eliminate miscommunication
errors and help you avoid the confusion and chaos
that can result. The following chart gives the three
major areas to look, listen and respond to:
"I Don't Think It's Right To Type People" - Part 1 Excerpt From The TYPE Reporter, Issue No. 37 |
You've heard people say that, haven't you? Or
perhaps you've heard them make other darkly
ominous statements like "You have to be careful with
this stuff" or "You type-people must have a need to
put people in boxes." My first reaction to
statements like that is
confusion. I think of the theory of psychological
type as being one of the most positive thinking
frameworks I've ever come across. I have a hard
time imagining how a body of literature that
consistently defines and stresses the highest
potential in people can be used to harm them.
About the Author - Pam Hollister, INTJ |
Pamela & Roy Hollister developed The PEOPLE
Process � �Understanding People is what it's all
about" �
with the intention of providing a package that would
simplify the understanding and use of personality-
type theory. Pam has over 30 years of professional
business experience with emphasis on
entrepreneurship, marketing and business
communications. She has created and directed
training programs for a large number of Fortune 500
companies, the US Air Force, the Department of
Energy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and
numerous school districts throughout North America.
Are you ISTJ? ENFP? |
Now you can tell in 5 minutes with this user-friendly
personality type Wheel for understanding self and
A hands-on, interactive assessment and training tool
that determines personality-type preferences utilizing
theory created by Dr. Carl Jung. This 3-part package
consisting of a Wheel,
Profile Sheets and Booklet is an easy and fun way to
help employees get valuable insights into interacting
with others. Great for a leadership development
program and communication skills training, this
powerful tool for personality assessment is highly
effective as a teambuilding communication training.
What clients are saying about us.....
The session that I led for our company's twenty
Human Resource & Training Professionals went very
well and the feedback I received was wonderful. The
participants truly enjoyed discovering their "type"
and learning about their peers as well. They loved
The PEOPLE Process tools and said they made it easy
to stay engaged and gave them information in a clear
and concise way. The session lasted about 2-1/2
hours and they were hungry for more! I referred
them to the TPP participant book for further reading.
The learning session was indeed "profound" for all the
participants. As our organization determines next
steps for The PEOPLE Process, I will keep in touch.
Mary Ellen Higgins, SPHR,
Director, Training & Development,
We have found this product to be effective in
training diplomats in negotiation and crisis
management skills, retrenched fishermen in job
seeking skills, managers in hi-tech organizations in
career development, hospital emergency-room staff
in managing conflict encounters, civil servants in time
management skills, trainers in advanced facilitation
skills, and entrepreneurs in new business start-ups.
Without exception, participants have been able to
relate easily to the use of the system, are amazed at
the uncanny accuracy of the personality type profile,
and have been able to apply The PEOPLE Process in
their daily work.
David Kenny, Director, PKA Training &
...a great tool to help team members understand
themselves and their teammates better. My clients
love it because it has been delightfully accurate and
is a practical "take-away" that they can share with
the significant people in their lives. I highly
recommend it as a key tool for facilitators to use to
assess personality type preferences.
Ruth Urban, M.S., Certified Professional
The Urban Group,
Las Vegas, Nevada
Find out more....