Welcome to The PEOPLE Process
TALK. It's our intention to provide a resource
greater understanding of the value and use of
psychological type training in the workplace and
everyday life. We will focus on articles and research
that demonstrate how an understanding and
application of type enriches and expands our ability
to positively impact relationships. Each issue will
feature an excerpt from the print newsletter The
TYPE Reporter - a valuable resource about
personality type and how it influences you in all the
stages of life. In this issue, The TYPE Reporter
answers the question, "What Can You Do
With Type". Please give us feedback on the
relevance of our content for you and let us know
what information you would like included as well as
questions answered. And, if you have an article that
would be helpful to the type community, please send
it along. We look forward to hearing from you.
Disengaged Workers Costs the U.S. Economy About $300 Billion A Year. |
Over 50 years of Gallup research and scientific
studies back a recent study conducted by the Gallup
Organization that states negativity costs the U.S.
economy $300 billion a year - and that's a
conservative estimate. Focusing on someone's
strengths and giving recognition for performance is
critical to success. The new Gallup study found that
when managers focused on employees' strengths,
61% of the employees were engaged in the work and
only 1% were actively disengaged.....
Curious About What Makes Your Coworkers Tick? |
Their Psychological Type might be the
answer. Based on the personality assessment
theory of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, psychological
type training is used by organizations around the
globe and has become an essential tool for
personality assessment differences and using those
differences to improve individual and team
What Can You Do With Type? |
"Well I think this Myers Briggs theory is interesting,
but what can you do with it?" I've heard that
comment from several people over the years. You
might assume they were all Sensing types, since
Ss look for usefulness first, but strangely enough,
the people who asked me that were all Intuitives.
Whenever people ask me "What can you do with
type?" I tell them that the best thing about type is
that most of the time it frees you to do
Before people know about type, they do all
sorts of
unproductive, harmful things, like worry, get mad at
people, or try to change them. But after they know
about type, they are more likely to understand,
forgive, relax, and do -- nothing.
For example, my friend Agnes has been very
concerned about her son because in school he
doesn't like to participate in group activities, but
quietly busies himself alone. She worries "What can I
do to make him join in?" She was even
thinking of
having him tested for learning disabilities. But after
she figured out that he is probably an
(Excerpt from The TYPE Reporter,
About the Author |
Pamela Hollister, INTJ, developed The PEOPLE
with the intention of providing a package that would
simplify the understanding and use of personality-
type theory. Pam has over 35 years of professional
business experience with emphasis on
entrepreneurship, marketing and business
communications. She has created and directed
training programs for a large number of Fortune 500
companies, the US Air Force, the Department of
Energy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and
numerous school districts throughout North America.
Are you ISTJ? ENFP? |
Now you can tell in 5 minutes with this user-friendly
personality type profile indicator!
Based on psychological type theory created by Dr.
Carl Jung, this 3-part package consisting of a Wheel,
Profile Sheets and Booklet is an easy and fun way to
help employees get valuable insights into interacting
with others. Great for a leadership development
program and communication skills training, this
powerful tool for personality assessment is highly
effective as a teambuilding communication training.
What clients are saying about us.....
The personality type profile materials have been a
huge hit in our company leadership development
program. Our managers can identify their type
within 6-7 minutes and they love it.
We have found this product to be effective in
training diplomats in negotiation and crisis
management skills, retrenched fishermen in job
seeking skills, managers in hi-tech organizations in
career development, hospital emergency-room staff
in managing conflict encounters, civil servants in time
management skills, trainers in advanced facilitation
skills, and entrepreneurs in new business start-ups.
Without exception, participants have been able to
relate easily to the use of the system, are amazed at
the uncanny accuracy of the personality type profile,
and have been able to apply The PEOPLE Process in
their daily work.
...a great tool to help team members understand
themselves and their teammates better. My clients
love it because it has been delightfully accurate and
is a practical "take-away" that they can share with
the significant people in their lives. I highly
recommend it as a key tool for facilitators to use to
assess personality type preferences.
Find out more....