As you might surmise, the 16 personality types
respond to conflict according to their preferences. The
Thomas-Kilmann Model describes five different
approaches to conflict according to how people think
about the importance of a task versus the importance
of their relationship with people they are working with.
The main point of the model is to encourage people to
be purposeful in how they confront and collaborate
with others, rather than relying on their natural - and
often inappropriate tendencies.
Thomas and Kilmann identified two dimensions of
behavior involved in managing conflict with another
party: concern for one's own interests and
concern for the other person's interests. They
labeled these Assertiveness and
Cooperativeness, respectively. Depending on
the degree to which a person proportions his or her
energy into each of these dimensions, one of the
styles will be engaged.
The 16 personality types respond to conflict according
to their preferences. According to the
Thomas-Kilmann Model, none of the styles are
inherently good or bad. Each is appropriate for some
situations and each is also inappropriate or less
effective for other
The model describes five different approaches to
conflict according to how people think about the
importance of a task versus the importance of their
relationship with the people they are working with -
Competing, Collaborating, Compromising,
Avoiding, Accommodating. The main point of the
model is to encourage people to be purposeful in how
they confront and collaborate with others, rather than
relying on their natural - and often inappropriate
About the Author - Pam Hollister, INTJ |
Pamela Hollister developed The PEOPLE
Process - "Understanding People is what it's all
about" - with the intention of providing a package
that would simplify the understanding and use of
personality-type theory. Pam has over 35 years of
professional business experience with emphasis on
entrepreneurship, marketing and business
communications. She has created and directed
training programs for General Atomics, a large
number of Fortune 500 companies, the US Air Force,
the Department of Energy, University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, and numerous school districts throughout
North America.
Are you ISTJ? ENFP? |
Now you can tell in 5 minutes with this user-friendly
personality type Wheel for understanding self and
A hands-on, interactive assessment and training tool
that determines personality-type preferences utilizing
theory created by Dr. Carl Jung. This 3-part package
consisting of a Wheel, Profile Sheets and
Booklet is an easy and fun way to help
employees get valuable insights into interacting with
others. Great for a leadership development program
and communication skills training, this powerful tool
for personality assessment is highly effective as a
teambuilding communication training.
What clients are saying about us.....
I just wanted to let you know I am still using The
PEOPLE Process with great results and enthusiasm
from my students. I recently have been working with
our speech classes centered around communication
styles and group dynamics. The PEOPLE Process,
coupled with some activities I have them do, really
generate a lot of conversation and forces them to look
at their behavior in group interaction through a whole
new lens. I will be incorporating The PEOPLE Process
into my career exploration class this fall. I'm looking
forward to working with my students using this tool as
compared to my "old" MBTI DVD. Your product is really
interactive which I believe makes all the difference in
their understanding of type. Thanks again for this
wonderful product!
Clayton Robinson, Counselor
Metropolitan Community College - Maple Woods
Kansas City, Missouri
"Our team received very complimentary Contractor
Performance Assessment Report (CPAR) ratings
across the board form the U.S. Air Force. The high
CPAR ratings were partly credited to The PEOPLE
Process Team Skills Training."
R.N., California
...a great tool to help team members understand
themselves and their teammates better. My clients
love it because it has been delightfully accurate and
is a practical "take-away" that they can share with
the significant people in their lives. I highly
recommend it as a key tool for facilitators to use to
assess personality type preferences.
Ruth Urban, M.S., Certified Professional
The Urban Group,
Las Vegas, Nevada
We have found this product to be effective in
training diplomats in negotiation and crisis
management skills, retrenched fishermen in job
seeking skills, managers in hi-tech organizations in
career development, hospital emergency-room staff
in managing conflict encounters, civil servants in time
management skills, trainers in advanced facilitation
skills, and entrepreneurs in new business start-ups.
Without exception, participants have been able to
relate easily to the use of the system, are amazed at
the uncanny accuracy of the personality type profile,
and have been able to apply The PEOPLE Process in
their daily work.
David Kenny, Director, PKA Training &
Find out more....